Let’s make the show right here!
A hands-on, hilarious, creative get-together where everyone can help create a new hit Musical.

In this event you’ll get to make a puppet character to appear in a unique musical show that celebrates where you live. Our creative team take you on a fast, fun-filled journey to create the puppets and story and we add the hit songs. Who knows – it could be the West End hit of tomorrow!

Previous puppet characters have included an acrobatic Super-Hero dog, a tiny ghost and a Grandma with a romantic secret! This show is not just for children, people of all ages can get involved.

Wed 09 Apr / 2.00pm
Heysham Library

396 Heysham Road

Call in to purchase tickets over the counter or email: heysham.library@lancashire.gov.uk
If you have an enquiry about the show, Spot On HQ can help: 01254 660360

Heysham The Puppet Musical – Free

Scaffolding – £10 per person

Further Information

Audience responses:
“I loved the references to our community.  It really made you feel part of something.”
“Great way of making friends – getting to know people.”
“The songs were amazing!”


This is a free event supported by Lancashire County Council’s Warm Welcome fund.